TERTIUM Technology S.r.l.
TERTIUM Technology is an Italian company that since 2001 designs and produces radiofrequency identification (RFID) and wireless sensing devices (Active RFID, WSN). A significant reduction of the energetic consumption and a user-friendly man-machine interface are definitely some of the major characteristics of our products.
We produce innovative solutions through the integration of technologies such as RFID HF, UHF and Active 2,45 GHz, GPS, Wi-fi, GPRS, Bluetooth, ZigBee, that are managed by a single communication protocol developed in-house and able to obtain highly configurable devices. This protocol allows devices to be configured by entering very simple command sets, through which programs meant for specific applications can be rapidly created.
Considering the great success and the quick diffusion of Smartphones and PC Tablets, our goal was and is to make automatic radiofrequency identification to be used as an expansion of the numerous sensing capacities of these last-generation devices.
The success obtained in the first year by the new product line is confirmed by the establishment of new partnership relations with dealers and system integrators both in Italy and abroad and by the acquisition of more than 60 new clients all over the world.