Hitech Plast Ltd.
By maintaining very high quality standards and efficiency at our manufacturing plants, we have been able to deliver products to our customers - of the right quality, at the right time... and at the right price.
A lot of emphasis is placed on training and good manufacturing practices at all our plants.
HTP is engaged in the manufacture and sale of innovative polymer products to industries like paint, personal care, agro chemicals, health care, confectionary, lube and retail household products.
HPL started its operations in December 1993, by manufacturing thin walled cylindrical, injection moulded, plastic containers referred as “BoCans” – a product invented and patented by a technocrat, Mr. Eric Bock of Denmark, primarily for paint customers. With a vision to grow HPL expanded its range of products to include tapered pails designed and manufactured in-house to cater to customer requirements. Currently, it offers containers in the size of 1/5 ltr to 20 ltrs. In the years that followed, HPL set up production facilities at five geographical different locations and thus established national presence.
HPL started initially to cater to the packaging requirements of paint industry. Subsequently, it identified different industrial segments and added light- weight pails to cater to the requirements of chemicals and other industrial applications. The entire range of products has been designed and manufactured in-house. This product is also receiving increasing acceptance by different industries.
HPL later entered into a technical collaboration with M/S CHT Design Services Pty. Ltd, Australia to manufacture their patented design of 20 litre containers known as DG Pail. This product has found increasing acceptance by the lubricants, paints, chemicals, and food industries. It also offers a similar product of 10 litre capacity to cater to the above markets. HPL has continuously upgraded its product range and technology by investing in new moulds, machines and technical know-how.
HPL has during the years developed an in-house mould design facilities manned by experienced and qualified engineers who with the help of latest computer aided design hardware and software are capable of designing various sophisticated moulds to meet emerging customer requirements. It has established a modern tool room consisting of CNC lathes and milling machines for mould maintenance as well as for making new moulds.