Founded in Boise, Idaho in 2004, PakSense is a market leader in the development of intelligent sensing products specifically designed to monitor perishable goods. PakSense products help manufacturers, distributors and retailers determine the quality and safety of food, pharmaceutical and other environmentally sensitive products. Consumers ultimately benefit by having access to safer, fresher and higher-quality products.
Make Better Quality & Safety Decisions with a New Class of Temperature Recorder PakSense Labels are a new class of temperature recorder. They provide visibility into what happens to your products during distribution and storage. They are fundamentally different than other recorders on the market in many distinct ways. First, they utilize an innovative temperature sensor that does not require ongoing calibration to maintain accuracy. They also take a surface read of the object to which they are attached, providing a much closer approximation of actual product temperature. Traditional units simply supply ambient temperature reads. Finally, their unique form factor promotes their use in a variety of scenarios. They can even be mailed back in the postal system for downloading at a central location.