Nofima was established on January 1, 2008, and is Europe’s largest institute for applied research within the fields of fisheries, aquaculture and food.
The institute has around 420 employees and has an annual turnover of about NOK 500 million.
We carry out internationally recognised research and develop solutions that provide a competitive edge throughout the value chain.
The main office is located in Tromsø, and the research divisions are located in Averøy, Bergen, Sunndalsøra, Stavanger, Tromsø and Ås.
Researchers believe that the packaging of the future will contain substances that will get rid of unwanted bacteria. Or it could be made from food waste.
Fat, vitamins and pigments in food are broken down to a greater or lesser extent by oxygen, temperature and light. Some foods cannot tolerate oxygen, while others thrive on it. Foods must be packaged differently because they decompose differently. Many vegetables need oxygen to maintain their quality, for example, and dairy products must be protected from light.
The food packaging researchers at the Nofima food research institute have many issues to work on in this area. The institute has its own food packaging programme, which is supported by the Foundation for Research Levy on Agricultural Products (FFL).