Perfektüp Packaging
To produce and develop special design solutions for the customers and contribute to their success.
We want to be the packaging supplier for the most popular and preferred brands of the world.
It is our ideal to be one of the leading companies in aluminium and laminated aluminium packaging sectors.
We aim to be preferred for our customer satisfaction, motivation, professional progress and development.
We want to reduce our impact on the environment.
We are pleased to contribute positively the development of our country and progress of our community.
We want to achieve a sustainable income for our shareholders and add value to their investments.
We care about our customers and their requirements, establishing long-term consistent relations based on good quality and reasonable price levels.
We keep ourselves updated,seeking out innovations that could be useful for our customers.
We try to achieve operational perfection throughout the process.
We strive to reach world standards in technology.
We invest in operational innovation to increase efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
We keep the financial structure of our business strong.