You are at a friend's place and tell her that you are looking to buy a new toaster. She says that she's really happy with her toaster. You whip out your smartphone and scan the meraQR code on her toaster. You instantly see relevant offers, list of nearby stores and an option to buy online.
You pick up a packet of noodles from a kitchen drawer and realize it's the last packet. You whip out your smartphone and scan the meraQR code on the packet. You instantly see relevant offers from the neighborhood stores and click a button to order through WhatsApp.
That's the future of advertising. A potential customer sees your message when she actually wants to see it.
And the best part is that businesses can advertise on their own products and packaging. That's prime real estate they already own.
meraQR codes are dynamic. This means that you can update your offers even after your product has shipped.
meraQR codes can be used almost everywhere - appliances, art, beverages, books, clothes, fruits & vegetables, furniture, gadgets, packaged food.
The cost of printing meraQR codes is next to zero. And no special apps are needed to scan them. iPhone cameras can scan them natively and Android users can simply open up meraqr.com on their phones to scan.