Reckitt Benckiser
RB is a true leader, in market terms and financially. Its strategy is simple: Powerbrands driven by innovation, rolled out globally & heavily marketed.
RB is a genuinely global force and a truly multinational company. In 2010, we sold 20 million product units worldwide.
Innovation drives the strategy, which drives innovation
RB reinforces its brands with an exceptional rate of innovation. Innovations must be Great Performers, Fast to Market and Cost-effective.
The innovation pipeline is built around brand strategy. So innovative cost savings improve margins and fuel growth.
And it’s a full time job – RB changes a formula about every 8 hours.
Consumers are at the centre of RB innovation
Innovation starts and ends with consumers – the small ways RB can make life better. So RB builds consumers into product development, validating every idea with them.
It doesn’t focus on ideas, but ideas that sell because they meet consumer needs. This creates powerful global brands that can adapt to local preferences.Where do those ideas come from?
Above all, from consumer insights. RB spends time with consumers in the lab and in their homes. But RB has its own technology insights too.